Source code for MITgcmutils.utils

# Created by EGavilan Pascual-Ahuir on 2023-04-07
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import (mark_inset,inset_axes,
__doc__ = """
Utilities for MITgcm.

_typeprefixes = {'ieee-be': '>',
                 'b': '>',
                 '>': '>',
                 'ieee-le': '<',
                 'l': '<',
                 '<': '<',
_typesuffixes = {'float32': 'f4',
                 'float64': 'f8',

cmap_lm =  ListedColormap(["lightsteelblue"])

[docs]def gen_blanklist(depth, sNx, sNy, tilemap=False,fill_value=0): """ Computes blanklist for data.exch2 Parameters ---------- depth : 2D array_like depth [m]. sNx : int x point in each tile. sNy : int y point in each tile. tilemap : bool True : output tile contourplot, default False. Returns ------- blank : list of int empty tiles numbers fig(optional) : matplotlib figure tile plot Usage ----- >>> blank=gen_blanklist(bathy, 5, 5, tilemap=False) 10,11,12,..,103 >>> [blank,fig]=gen_blanklist(bathy, 5, 5, tilemap=True) 10,11,12,..,103 Example ------- >>> eg_blanklist() 10,11,12,..,103 """ assert depth.ndim==2,'check_stp: depth must be 2D' [Ny,Nx]=depth.shape nPx = Nx//sNx nPy = Ny//sNy blank = [] tile_order = np.zeros([nPy, nPx], dtype=int) for n in range(0, nPy): for m in range(0, nPx): tile_sum = np.sum(depth[n*sNy:(n+1)*sNy, m*sNx:(m+1)*sNx]) tile_order[n, m] = int(n*nPx+m+1) if tile_sum == 0: # the tile with only land cells blank.append(tile_order[n, m]) assert len(blank)>0,'There are not land tiles' if tilemap: # plot ocean and blank tiles mland = np.copy(depth) mland[mland!=fill_value] = 1 mland[mland==fill_value] = np.nan [cn_x, cn_y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sNx//2, Nx, sNx), np.arange(sNy//2, Ny, sNy)) p0 = 0 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.pcolormesh(mland,cmap=cmap_lm) major_xticks = np.arange(0, Nx+sNx, sNx) major_yticks = np.arange(0, Ny+sNy, sNy) for a, b, c in zip(cn_x.flat, cn_y.flat, tile_order.flat): if c==blank[p0]: rect = patches.Rectangle((a-sNx//2, b-sNy//2), sNx, sNy, linewidth=2,edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) rect.set_clip_path(rect) p0+=1 ax.annotate(str(c), (a, b), color='black', ha='center', va='center') if p0==len(blank):p0=0 ax.set_xticks(major_xticks) ax.set_yticks(major_yticks) ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax.set_xlim([0,Nx]) ax.set_ylim([0,Ny]) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.grid() return blank,fig else: return blank
[docs]def hfac(depth,rF,hFacMin=0.3,hFacMinDr=50,htype='C'): """ Computes hFacC,W,S Parameters ---------- depth : 2D array_like Depth [m]. rF : 1D array_like Depth at the f point. hFacMin : float Min fraction for partial vertical levels. hFacMinDr : float Min depth for partial vertical levels. htype : string Types of hfac: one or more of 'C','S','W', default='C'. Returns ------- hFacC,W,S : tuple of array_like The hfac arrays requested in htype. Usage ----- >>> [hFacC]=mit.hfac(depth,rF,0.3,50,'C') Example ------- >>> [hFacC]=eg_hfac() Notes ----- The first row and column are filled with zeros for the hFacS and hFacW, respectively. """ assert depth.ndim==2,'check_stp: depth must be 2D' assert rF.ndim==1,'check_stp: rF must be 1D' assert np.any(depth<0),'check_stp: depth does not have no negative values' assert np.all(rF<=0),'check_stp: rF must be negative' [Ny,Nx] = depth.shape dRF = abs(np.diff(rF)) Nr = dRF.size recip_drF = 1/dRF hFacC = np.zeros([Nr,Ny,Nx]) hFacW = np.zeros([Nr,Ny,Nx]) hFacS = np.zeros([Nr,Ny,Nx]) for k in range(0,Nr): hFacMnSz = np.max([hFacMin, np.min([hFacMinDr*recip_drF[k],1])]) # Calculate lopping factor hFacC : hFac_loc = (rF[k]-depth)*recip_drF[k] hFac_loc = np.minimum(np.maximum(hFac_loc, 0 ) , 1) # o Impose minimum fraction and/or size (dimensional) hFac_loc[hFac_loc < hFacMnSz/2]=np.nan hFac_loc[depth >= 0]=np.nan hFac_loc = np.maximum(hFac_loc, hFacMnSz) hFac_loc[np.isnan(hFac_loc)]=0 hFacC[k,:,:] = hFac_loc hFacW[k,:,1:Nx] = np.minimum(hFacC[k,:,1:Nx],hFacC[k,:,0:Nx-1]) hFacS[k,1:Ny,:] = np.minimum(hFacC[k,1:Ny,:],hFacC[k,0:Ny-1,:]) hfac_dic = {} hfac_dic['C'] = hFacC hfac_dic['S'] = hFacS hfac_dic['W'] = hFacW return tuple(hfac_dic[i] for i in htype)
[docs]def readbin(fname, ndims, dataprec='float32', machineformat='b'): """ Read meta-data files as written by MITgcm. Parameters ---------- fname : string name of file to read ndims : int dimension of the file dataprec : string precision of resulting file ('float32' or 'float64') machineformat : string endianness ('b' or 'l', default 'b') Returns ------- arr : array_like numpy array of the data read Usage ----- >>> arr=readbin('bathy.bin',[Y,X]) """ tp = _typeprefixes[machineformat] try: tp = tp + _typesuffixes[dataprec] except KeyError: raise ValueError("dataprec must be 'float32' or 'float64'.") f = open(fname) arr = np.fromfile(f, tp, f.close() return arr
[docs]def tilecmap(arr, sNx, sNy, tilen=None, sel_zoom=5, fill_value=0): """ Pseudocolor plot of land mask with tiles superimposed, optionally showing the values of arr for a single tile. Parameters ---------- arr : 2D array_like values to plot, land mask is taken as arr==fill_value sNx : int number of x points in each tile sNy : int number of y points in each tile tilen : int or None plot a specific tile, default None sel_zoom : int zooming range, default 5 fill_value : float default 0 Returns ------- figure : matplotlib figure Plot of land mask, tiles and arr values Usage ----- >>> [fig]=tilecmap(bathy, 5, 5) >>> [fig]=tilecmap(bathy, 5, 5, 66, sel_zoom=4) Example ------- >>> eg_tilemap() """ #Check dimensions of arr assert arr.ndim==2,'check_stp: array must be 2D' [Ny,Nx]=arr.shape nTx = Nx//sNx nTy = Ny//sNy mland = np.copy(arr) mland[mland!=fill_value] = 1 mland[mland==fill_value] = np.nan arr = arr*mland tile_order = np.zeros([nTy, nTx], dtype=int) for n in range(0, nTy): for m in range(0, nTx): tile_order[n, m] = int(n*nTx+m+1) [cn_x, cn_y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sNx//2, Nx, sNx), np.arange(sNy//2, Ny, sNy)) major_xticks = np.arange(0, Nx+sNx, sNx) major_yticks = np.arange(0, Ny+sNy, sNy) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.pcolormesh(mland,cmap=cmap_lm) for a, b, c in zip(cn_x.flat, cn_y.flat, tile_order.flat): ax.annotate(str(c), (a, b), color='black', ha='center', va='center') if tilen is not None: [Tind]=np.argwhere(tile_order==tilen) #Select position for the zoom inseting if (Tind[0]>nTy/2): if(Tind[1]>nTx//2):locz=2; locm1=1; locm2=4; cbar_pos=-0.1 else:locz=1; locm1=2; locm2=3; cbar_pos=1.05 else: if(Tind[1]>nTx//2):locz=1; locm1=3; locm2=4; cbar_pos=1.05 else:locz=2; locm1=3; locm2=4; cbar_pos=-0.1 #Select colorbar range for zoom Tix = Tind[1]*sNx; Tiy = Tind[0]*sNy arrmin = np.nanmin(arr[Tiy:Tiy+sNy,Tix:Tix+sNx]) arrmax = np.nanmax(arr[Tiy:Tiy+sNy,Tix:Tix+sNx]) ax2 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, zoom=sel_zoom, loc=locz, borderpad=-1) pc=ax2.pcolormesh(arr,vmin=arrmin,vmax=arrmax, ax2.set_xlim([major_xticks[Tind[1]],major_xticks[Tind[1]]+sNx]) ax2.set_ylim([major_yticks[Tind[0]],major_xticks[Tind[0]]+sNy]) mark_inset(ax, ax2, loc1=locm1, loc2=locm2, fc="none", lw=1.5, ec='0') plt.xticks(visible=False) plt.yticks(visible=False) cax = inset_axes(ax2, width="5%", height="100%", loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(cbar_pos,0,1,1), bbox_transform=ax2.transAxes, borderpad=0, ) cbar=plt.colorbar(pc,cax=cax, orientation='vertical') if cbar_pos<0: cax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.set_xticks(major_xticks) ax.set_yticks(major_yticks) ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax.set_xlim([0,Nx]) ax.set_ylim([0,Ny]) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.grid() return fig
[docs]def writebin(fname, arr, dataprec='float32', machineformat='b'): '''Write an array to a bin format for MITgcm Parameters ---------- fbase : string Name of file to write arr : array_like Numpy array to write dataprec : string precision of resulting file ('float32' or 'float64') ('float32' by default) machineformat : string 'b' or 'l' for big or little endian ('b' by default) Usage ----- >>> writebin('data.bin',arr) ''' tp = _typeprefixes[machineformat] try: tp = tp + _typesuffixes[dataprec] except KeyError: raise ValueError("dataprec must be 'float32' or 'float64'.") arr.astype(tp).tofile(fname)