Source code for MITgcmutils.mds

import sys
import re
import glob
import numpy as np
from operator import mul

debug = False

# metafile parsing

# for python2.5
try: next
except NameError:
    def next ( obj ): return

_currentline = ''

[docs]class ParseError(ValueError): def __str__(self): metafile = self.args[0] lines = self.args[1:] try: name = except AttributeError: name = metafile return '\n'.join(('in metafile: '+name,) + lines + ('in: ' + _currentline,))
# these deal with comments in the metafile _comment_pattern = re.compile( r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) def _comment_replacer(match): s = if s.startswith('/'): return "" else: return s
[docs]def strip_comments(text): """ strips C and C++ style comments from text """ return re.sub(_comment_pattern, _comment_replacer, text)
_string_pattern = re.compile(r"'(.*)'$") def _parse1(s): """ convert one item to appropriate type """ m = _string_pattern.match(s) if m: s = # unquote quotes s = re.sub(r"''","'",s) return s if '.' in s or 'e' in s.lower(): return float(s) else: try: return int(s) except ValueError: raise ParseError("Cannot parse value: " + s) _closing = {'[':']', '{':'}', }
[docs]def parsemeta(metafile): """ parses metafile (file object or filename) into a dictionary of lists of floats, ints or strings """ global _currentline try: lines = open(metafile) except TypeError: lines = iter(metafile) d = {} for line in lines: line = strip_comments(line) # skip empty lines if re.match(r'\s*$', line): continue m = re.match(r' *(\w*) *= *(.*?) *$', line) if m: key,line = m.groups() else: raise ParseError(metafile,line) # look for the opening delimiter ('[' or '{') opening = line[0] try: closing = _closing[opening] except KeyError: raise ParseError(metafile,line,'Values must be enclosed in [] or {}.') # read more lines until a matching closing delimiter is found while closing not in line: try: nextline = next(lines) except StopIteration: raise ParseError(metafile,line,'No closing ' + closing + ' found.') line += ' ' + strip_comments(nextline).rstrip() if line[-2:] != closing + ';': raise ParseError(metafile,line, 'Values must be enclosed in "[ ];" or "{ };".') # remove delimiters line = line[1:-2].strip(" ,") _currentline = line if opening == '[': # [] can contain any type of values, separated by commas val = [ _parse1(s) for s in re.split(r'[, ] *',line) ] else: # {} can only contain single quote-delimited strings separated by space val = [ s.rstrip() for s in re.split(r"' *'", line.strip("'")) ] d[key] = val return d
################################################################################ def message(*args): sys.stdout.write(' '.join([str(s) for s in args]) + '\n') def warning(*args): sys.stderr.write(' '.join([str(s) for s in args]) + '\n') def _aslist(i): """ if iterable, turn into list, otherwise put into list """ try: res = list(i) except TypeError: res = [i] return res def fromfileshape(filename,dtype,shape=None,**kwargs): return np.fromfile(filename, dtype, **kwargs).reshape(shape)
[docs]def scanforfiles(fname): """ return list of iteration numbers for which metafiles with base fname exist """ import glob allfiles = glob.glob(fname + '.' + 10*'[0-9]' + '.001.001.meta') if len(allfiles) == 0: allfiles = glob.glob(fname + '.' + 10*'[0-9]' + '.meta') off = -5 else: off = -13 itrs = [ int(s[off-10:off]) for s in allfiles ] itrs.sort() return itrs
[docs]def readmeta(f): """ read meta file and extract tile/timestep-specific parameters """ meta = parsemeta(f) dimList = meta.pop('dimList') # pythonize gdims = tuple(dimList[-3::-3]) i0s = [ i-1 for i in dimList[-2::-3] ] ies = dimList[-1::-3] # remove file-specific parameters timeInterval = meta.pop('timeInterval', None) timeStepNumber = meta.pop('timeStepNumber', None) map2gl = meta.pop('map2glob', None) # put back only global dimensions meta['dimList'] = list(gdims[::-1]) return gdims,i0s,ies,timeStepNumber,timeInterval,map2gl,meta
_typeprefixes = {'ieee-be':'>', 'b' :'>', '>' :'>', 'ieee-le':'<', 'l' :'<', '<' :'<', } _typesuffixes = {'float32':'f4', 'float64':'f8', }
[docs]def rdmds(fnamearg,itrs=-1,machineformat='b',rec=None,fill_value=0, returnmeta=False,astype=float,region=None,lev=(), usememmap=False,mm=False,squeeze=True,verbose=False): """ Read meta-data files as written by MITgcm. Call signatures: a = rdmds(fname,...) a,its,meta = rdmds(fname,...,returnmeta=True) Parameters ---------- fname : string name of file to read, without the '.data' or '.meta' suffix. If itrs is given, the iteration number is added to `fname` as well. `fname` may contain shell wildcards, which is useful for tile files organized into directories, e.g., T = rdmds('prefix*/T', 2880) will read prefix0000/T.0000002880.*, prefix0001/T.0000002880.*, ... (and any others that match the wildcard, so be careful how you name things!) itrs : int or list of ints or np.NaN or np.Inf Iteration number(s). With itrs=-1, will try to read fname.meta or fname.001.001.meta, ... If itrs is a list of integers of an integer, it will read the corresponding fname.000000iter.meta, ... If itrs is np.NaN, it will read all iterations for which files are found. If itrs is np.Inf, it will read the highest iteration found. machineformat : int endianness ('b' or 'l', default 'b') rec : list of int or None list of records to read (default all) useful for pickups and multi-field diagnostics files fill_value : float fill value for missing (blank) tiles (default 0) astype : data type data type to return (default: double precision) None: keep data type/precision of file region : tuple of int (x0,x1,y0,y1) read only this region (default (0,nx,0,ny)) lev : list of int or tuple of lists of int list of levels to read, or, for multiple dimensions (excluding x,y), tuple(!) of lists (see examples below) usememmap : bool if True, use a memory map for reading data (default False) recommended when using lev, or region with global files to save memory and, possibly, time Returns ------- a : array_like numpy array of the data read its : list of int list of iteration numbers read (only if returnmeta=True) meta : dict dictionary of metadata (only if returnmeta=True) Examples -------- >>> XC = rdmds('XC') >>> XC = rdmds('res_*/XC') >>> T = rdmds('T.0000002880') >>> T = rdmds('T',2880) >>> T2 = rdmds('T',[2880,5760]) >>> T,its = rdmds('T',numpy.Inf) >>> VVEL = rdmds('pickup',2880,rec=range(50,100)) >>> a5 = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=[5]) >>> a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=([0],[0,1,5,6,7])) >>> from numpy import r_ >>> a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=([0],r_[:2,5:8])) # same as previous >>> a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0)[0, [0,1,5,6,7], ...] # same, but less efficient >>> a = rdmds('diags',2880)[0, 0, [0,1,5,6,7], ...] # even less efficient """ import functools usememmap = usememmap or mm if usememmap: readdata = np.memmap else: readdata = fromfileshape # add iteration number to file name unless itrs is -1 additrs = itrs != -1 if itrs is np.nan: # all iterations itrs = scanforfiles(fnamearg) if verbose: warning('Reading {0} time levels: '.format(len(itrs)), *itrs) returnits = True itrsislist = True elif itrs is np.inf: # last iteration itrs = scanforfiles(fnamearg) if len(itrs): if verbose: warning('Found {0} time levels, reading'.format(len(itrs)), itrs[-1]) else: if verbose: warning('Found 0 time levels for {}'.format(fnamearg)) itrs = itrs[-1:] returnits = True itrsislist = False else: returnits = False itrsislist = np.iterable(itrs) # always make itrs a list itrs = _aslist(itrs) allrec = rec is None reclist = _aslist(rec) if not isinstance(lev,tuple): lev = (lev,) levs = tuple( _aslist(l) for l in lev ) levdims = tuple(len(l) for l in levs) levinds = np.ix_(*levs) nlev = len(levdims) if usememmap: recsatonce = True readdata = np.memmap else: recsatonce = allrec readdata = fromfileshape try: typepre = _typeprefixes[machineformat] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Allowed machineformats: ' + ' '.join(_typeprefixes)) arr = None metaref = {} timeStepNumbers = [] timeIntervals = [] for iit,it in enumerate(itrs): if additrs: fname = fnamearg + '.{0:010d}'.format(int(it)) else: fname = fnamearg metafiles = glob.glob(fname + 2*('.'+3*'[0-9]') + '.meta') or glob.glob(fname+'.meta') if len(metafiles) == 0: raise IOError('No files found for ' + fname + '.meta') if verbose: warning(metafiles[0]) if debug: warning('Found',len(metafiles),'metafiles for iteration',it) for metafile in metafiles: gdims,i0s,ies,timestep,timeinterval,map2gl,meta = readmeta(metafile) if arr is None: # initialize, allocate try: dataprec, = meta['dataprec'] except KeyError: dataprec, = meta['format'] tp = typepre + _typesuffixes[dataprec] size = np.dtype(tp).itemsize if astype is None: astype = tp recshape = tuple( ie-i0 for i0,ie in zip(i0s,ies) ) count = functools.reduce(mul, recshape) nrecords, = meta['nrecords'] tileshape = (nrecords,) + recshape if allrec: reclist = range(nrecords) recinds = np.s_[:,] + levinds else: recinds = np.ix_(reclist, *levs) if region is None: ri0,rie,rj0,rje = 0,gdims[-1],0,gdims[-2] else: ri0,rie,rj0,rje = region if ri0 < 0: ri0 += gdims[-1] if rie < 0: rie += gdims[-1] if rj0 < 0: rj0 += gdims[-2] if rje < 0: rje += gdims[-2] assert nlev+2 <= len(gdims) rdims = levdims + gdims[len(levdims):-2] + (rje-rj0,rie-ri0) # always include itrs and rec dimensions and squeeze later arr = np.empty((len(itrs),len(reclist))+rdims, astype) arr[...] = fill_value metaref = meta else: if meta != metaref: raise ValueError('Meta files not compatible') datafile = metafile[:-4] + 'data' if region is not None: if map2gl is None: # overlap of tile with region: i0 = min(rie, max(ri0, i0s[-1])) ie = min(rie, max(ri0, ies[-1])) j0 = min(rje, max(rj0, i0s[-2])) je = min(rje, max(rj0, ies[-2])) # source indices I0 = i0 - i0s[-1] Ie = ie - i0s[-1] J0 = j0 - i0s[-2] Je = je - i0s[-2] # target indices i0s[-1] = i0 - ri0 ies[-1] = ie - ri0 i0s[-2] = j0 - rj0 ies[-2] = je - rj0 else: raise NotImplementedError('Region selection is not implemented for map2glob != [0,1]') sl = tuple( slice(i0,ie) for i0,ie in zip(i0s,ies) ) if map2gl is None: # part of arr that will receive tile (all records) arrtile = arr[(iit,slice(None))+sl] else: ny,nx = arr.shape[-2:] i0 = i0s[-1] j0 = i0s[-2] ie = ies[-1] je = ies[-2] # "flat" stride for j jstride = map2gl[1]*nx + map2gl[0] n = (je-j0)*jstride # start of a jstride by je-j0 block that contains this tile ii0 = min(i0+nx*j0, nx*ny-n) # tile starts at ioff+i0 ioff = nx*j0 - ii0 # flatten x,y dimensions arrflat = arr.reshape(arr.shape[:-2]+(nx*ny,)) # extract tile arrmap = arrflat[...,ii0:ii0+n].reshape(arr.shape[:-2]+(je-j0,jstride))[...,:,ioff+i0:ioff+ie] # slice non-x,y dimensions (except records) arrtile = arrmap[(iit,slice(None))+sl[:-2]] del arrflat,arrmap if recsatonce: if region is None: arrtile[...] = readdata(datafile, tp, shape=tileshape)[recinds] else: if Ie > I0 and Je > J0: if debug: message(datafile, I0,Ie,J0,Je) arrtile[...] = readdata(datafile, tp, shape=tileshape)[recinds + np.s_[...,J0:Je,I0:Ie]] else: f = open(datafile) for irec,recnum in enumerate(reclist): if recnum < 0: recnum += nrecords*count*size) if region is None: arrtile[irec] = np.fromfile(f, tp, count=count).reshape(recshape)[levinds] else: if Ie > I0 and Je > J0: if debug: message(datafile, I0,Ie,J0,Je) tilerec = np.fromfile(f, tp, count=count).reshape(recshape) arrtile[irec] = tilerec[levinds + np.s_[...,J0:Je,I0:Ie]] f.close() if timestep is not None: timeStepNumbers.extend(timestep) if timeinterval is not None: timeIntervals.append(timeinterval) # put list of iteration numbers back into metadata dictionary if len(timeStepNumbers): metaref['timeStepNumber'] = timeStepNumbers if len(timeIntervals): metaref['timeInterval'] = timeIntervals if arr is None: arr = np.array([]) else: # squeeze singleton iteration, record and level dimensions like matlab version dims = (len(itrs),len(reclist)) + levdims if squeeze: # squeeze all singleton dimensions squeezed = tuple( d for d in dims if d > 1 ) else: # squeeze all that came from scalar arguments keepers = [itrsislist, np.iterable(rec)] + [np.iterable(l) for l in lev] squeezed = tuple( d for d,keep in zip(dims, keepers) if keep ) arr = arr.reshape(squeezed+arr.shape[2+nlev:]) if returnmeta: meta = dict((k.lower(),v) for k,v in metaref.items()) return arr,itrs,meta # elif returnits: # return arr,itrs else: return arr
[docs]def wrmds(fbase, arr, itr=None, dataprec='float32', ndims=None, nrecords=None, times=None, fields=None, simulation=None, machineformat='b', deltat=None, dimlist=None): '''Write an array to an mds meta/data file set. If itr is given, the files will be named and fbase.0000000itr.meta, otherwise just and fbase.meta. Parameters ---------- fbase : string Name of file to write, without the '.data' or '.meta' suffixes, and without the iteration number if itr is give arr : array_like Numpy array to write itr : int or None If given, this iteration number will be appended to the file name dataprec : string precision of resulting file ('float32' or 'float64') ndims : int number of non-record dimensions; extra (leading) dimensions will be folded into 1 record dimension nrecords : int number of records; will fold as many leading dimensions as necessary (has to match shape!) times : float or list of floats times to write into meta file. Either a single float or a list of two for a time interval fields : list of strings list of fields simulation : string string describing the simulation machineformat : string 'b' or 'l' for big or little endian deltat : float time step; provide in place of either times or itr to have one computed from the other dimlist : tuple dimensions as will be stored in file (only useful when passing meta data from an existing file to wrmds as keyword args) ''' if type(dataprec) == type([]): dataprec, = dataprec if type(ndims) == type([]): ndims, = ndims if type(nrecords) == type([]): nrecords, = nrecords if type(simulation) == type([]): simulation, = simulation if type(machineformat) == type([]): machineformat, = machineformat if type(deltat) == type([]): deltat, = deltat tp = _typeprefixes[machineformat] try: tp = tp + _typesuffixes[dataprec] except KeyError: raise ValueError("dataprec must be 'float32' or 'float64'.") if ndims is None: if nrecords is None: ndims = min(3,len(arr.shape)) else: # see how many leading dims we need to make up nrecords dims = list(arr.shape[::-1]) n = 1 while n < nrecords: n *= dims.pop() assert n == nrecords ndims = len(dims) dims = arr.shape[-1:-ndims-1:-1] nrec =[:-ndims], dtype=int) if nrecords is not None and nrecords != nrec: raise ValueError('Shape/nrecords mismatch') if dimlist is not None and tuple(dimlist) != dims: raise ValueError('Shape/dimlist mismatch: {} vs {}'.format(dims, dimlist)) if arr.ndim > ndims + 1: sys.stderr.write("Warning: folding several dimensions into record dimension.\n") # arr = arr.reshape((-1,)+arr.shape[-ndims:]) if times is not None: try: iter(times) except TypeError: times = [ times ] if deltat is not None: if itr is None: itr = int(times[-1]//deltat) elif times is None: times = [ deltat*itr ] else: sys.stderr.write('Warning: discarding deltat.\n') if itr is not None: fbase = fbase + '.{:010d}'.format(itr) with open(fbase + '.meta', 'w') as f: if simulation is not None: f.write(" simulation = { '" + simulation + "' };\n") f.write(" nDims = [ {:3d} ];\n".format(ndims)) if max(dims) < 10000: fmt = '{:5d}' else: fmt = '{:10d}' fmt = fmt + ',' + fmt + ',' + fmt f.write(" dimList = [\n " + ",\n ".join(fmt.format(d,1,d) for d in dims) + "\n ];\n") # skipping m2gl f.write(" dataprec = [ '" + dataprec + "' ];\n") f.write(" nrecords = [ {:5d} ];\n".format(nrec)) if itr is not None: f.write(" timeStepNumber = [ {:10d} ];\n".format(itr)) if times is not None: f.write(" timeInterval = [" + "".join("{:20.12E}".format(t) for t in times) + " ];\n") if fields is not None: nflds = len(fields) f.write(" nFlds = [ {:4d} ];\n".format(nflds)) f.write(" fldList = {\n") for row in range((nflds+19)//20): for field in fields[20*row:20*(row+1)]: f.write(" '{:<8s}'".format(field)) f.write("\n") f.write(" };\n") arr.astype(tp).tofile(fbase + '.data')