from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
[docs]def contourf(*arguments, **kwargs):
Create a contourf plot of a 2-D llc array (with tricontour).
Call signatures::
contourf(X, Y, C, N, **kwargs)
contourf(X, Y, C, V, **kwargs)
X : array-like
x coordinates of the grid points
Y : array-like
y coordinates of the grid points
C : array-like
array of color values.
N : int
number of levels
V : list of float
list of levels
passed to tricontour.
arglen = len(arguments)
h = []
if arglen >= 3:
data = np.copy(arguments[2].flatten())
x = arguments[0].flatten()
y = arguments[1].flatten()
# Create the Triangulation;
# no triangles so Delaunay triangulation created.
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
ntri = triang.triangles.shape[0]
# Mask off unwanted triangles.
mask = np.where(data[triang.triangles].prod(axis=1)==0., 1, 0)
if arglen == 3:
h = plt.tricontourf(triang, data, **kwargs)
elif arglen == 4:
h = plt.tricontourf(triang, data, arguments[3], **kwargs)
print("wrong number of arguments")
print("need at least 3 or 4 arguments")
# show the triangles for debugging
#plt.triplot(triang, color='0.7')
print("wrong number of arguments")
print("need at least x,y,fld")
return h
[docs]def contour(*arguments, **kwargs):
Create a contour plot of a 2-D llc array (with tricontour).
Call signatures::
contour(X, Y, C, N, **kwargs)
contour(X, Y, C, V, **kwargs)
X : array-like
x coordinates of the grid points
Y : array-like
y coordinates of the grid points
C : array-like
array of color values.
N : int
number of levels
V : list of float
list of levels
passed to tricontour.
arglen = len(arguments)
h = []
if arglen >= 3:
data = arguments[2].flatten()
x = arguments[0].flatten()
y = arguments[1].flatten()
# Create the Triangulation;
# no triangles so Delaunay triangulation created.
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
ntri = triang.triangles.shape[0]
# Mask off unwanted triangles.
mask = np.where(data[triang.triangles].prod(axis=1)==0., 1, 0)
if arglen == 3:
h = plt.tricontour(triang, data, **kwargs)
elif arglen == 4:
h = plt.tricontour(triang, data, arguments[3], **kwargs)
print("wrong number of arguments")
print("need at least 3 or 4 arguments")
# show the triangles for debugging
#plt.triplot(triang, color='0.7')
print("wrong number of arguments")
print("need at least x,y,fld")
return h
[docs]def flat(fld, **kwargs):
"""convert mds data into global 2D field
only fields with 2 to 5 dimensions are allowed"""
ndims = len(fld.shape)
if ndims == 2:
gfld = _flat2D(fld, **kwargs)
elif ndims == 3:
gfld = [ _flat2D(fld[a,:,:], **kwargs)
for a in range(fld.shape[0]) ]
elif ndims == 4:
gfld = [ [ _flat2D(fld[a,b,:,:], **kwargs)
for b in range(fld.shape[1]) ]
for a in range(fld.shape[0]) ]
elif ndims == 5:
gfld = [ [ [ _flat2D(fld[a,b,c,:,:], **kwargs)
for c in range(fld.shape[2]) ]
for b in range(fld.shape[1]) ]
for a in range(fld.shape[0]) ]
print("wrong number of dimensions")
print("only 2 to 5 dimensions are allowed")
gfld = np.array(gfld)
return gfld
def _flat2D(fld, center='Atlantic'):
"""convert mds 2D data into global 2D field"""
nx = fld.shape[1]
ny = fld.shape[0]
n = ny//nx//4
# eastern and western hemispheres
tmp = fld[2*(n*nx)+nx:, ::-1]
# Arctic face is special
arctic = fld[2*(n*nx):2*(n*nx)+nx,:]
arctice = np.concatenate((np.triu(arctic[::-1,:nx//2].transpose()),
# arcticw = np.concatenate((arctic[:,nx:nx//2-1:-1].transpose(),
# np.zeros((nx//2,nx//2)),
# arctic[nx:nx//2-1:-1,nx//2-1::-1]),axis=1)
mskr = np.tri(nx//2)[::-1,:]
arcticw = np.concatenate((arctic[0:nx//2,nx:nx//2-1:-1].transpose(),
if center == 'Pacific':
gfld = np.concatenate( ( np.concatenate((eastern,arctice)),
np.concatenate((western,arcticw)) ), axis=1)
gfld = np.concatenate( ( np.concatenate((western,arcticw)),
np.concatenate((eastern,arctice)) ), axis=1)
return gfld
def _mds2D(fld,center='Atlantic'):
"""convert global 2D 'flat field' to mds 2D data"""
ni = fld.shape[-1]
nj = fld.shape[-2]
nx = ni//4
ny = nx*(3*4+1)
n = ny//nx//4
# arctic face
arcticw = fld[n*nx:,:nx]
arctice = fld[n*nx:,2*nx:3*nx]
arctic = np.concatenate((arctice,arcticw[::-1,::-1]),axis=0)
# eastern and western hemispheres
# this is tricky
mdsfld = np.concatenate((eastern[:,:nx],
return mdsfld
def mds(fld,center='Atlantic'):
"""convert global 'flat' field into mds data;
only fields with 2 to 5 dimensions are allowed"""
ndims = len(fld.shape)
if ndims == 2:
mdsfld = _mds2D(fld, **kwargs)
elif ndims == 3:
mdsfld = [ _mds2D(fld[a,:,:], **kwargs)
for a in range(fld.shape[0]) ]
elif ndims == 4:
mdsfld = [ [ _mds2D(fld[a,b,:,:], **kwargs)
for b in range(fld.shape[1]) ]
for a in range(fld.shape[0]) ]
elif ndims == 5:
mdsfld = [ [ [ _mds2D(fld[a,b,c,:,:], **kwargs)
for c in range(fld.shape[2]) ]
for b in range(fld.shape[1]) ]
for a in range(fld.shape[0]) ]
print("wrong number of dimensions")
print("only 2 to 5 dimensions are allowed")
mdsfld = np.array(mdsfld)
return mdsfld
[docs]def faces(fld):
"""convert mds multidimensional data into a list with 6 faces"""
ndim = len(fld.shape)
if ndim == 2:
f = _faces2D(fld)
# use list for dynamical memory allocation, because it is fast
if ndim == 3:
ff = []
nk = fld.shape[0]
for k in range(nk):
fld2D = fld[k,:,:]
f2D = _faces2D(fld2D)
elif ndim == 4:
ff = []
nk = fld.shape[1]
nl = fld.shape[0]
for l in range(nl):
for k in range(nk):
fld2D = fld[l,k,:,:]
f2D = _faces2D(fld2D)
elif ndim == 5:
ff = []
nk = fld.shape[2]
nl = fld.shape[1]
nm = fld.shape[0]
for m in range(nm):
for l in range(nl):
for k in range(nk):
fld2D = fld[m,l,k,:,:]
f2D = _faces2D(fld2D)
# permute list indices so that face index is the first
ff = np.transpose(ff)
f = []
for listIndex in range(len(ff)):
# for each face turn list into array, glue together and reshape
nx = ff[listIndex][0].shape[-1]
ny = ff[listIndex][0].shape[-2]
if ndim == 3: rshp = (nk,ny,nx)
elif ndim == 4: rshp = (nl,nk,ny,nx)
elif ndim == 5: rshp = (nm,nl,nk,ny,nx)
return f
[docs]def faces2mds(ff):
"""convert 6 faces to mds 2D data,
inverse opertation of llc.faces"""
ndims = len(ff[0].shape)
shp = list(ff[0].shape)
wd = np.concatenate( (ff[3],ff[4]),axis=-2 ).reshape(shp)
f = np.concatenate( (ff[0],ff[1],ff[2],wd),axis=-2)
return f
def _faces2D(fld):
"""convert mds 2D data into a list with 6 faces"""
nx = fld.shape[-1]
ny = fld.shape[-2]
n = ny//nx//4
# divide into faces
f = []
# arctic face
# western hemisphere
wd = fld[2*(n*nx)+nx:,:].reshape(2*nx,n*nx)
# pseudo-sixth face
return f
def _sqCoord(a):
b = np.squeeze(a)
return b
def _sqData(a):
b = np.copy(np.squeeze(a))
b =, b)
b =, b)
return b
[docs]def pcol(*arguments, **kwargs):
Create a pseudo-color plot of a 2-D llc array (with plt.pcolormesh).
Call signatures::
pcol(X, Y, C, **kwargs)
pcol(X, Y, C, m, **kwargs)
X : array-like
x coordinates of the grid point corners (G-points)
Y : array-like
y coordinates of the grid point corners (G-points)
C : array-like
array of color values.
m : Basemap instance, optional
map projection to use.
NOTE: currently not all projections work
passed to plt.pcolormesh.
arglen = len(arguments)
h = []
mapit = False
if arglen < 3:
print("wrong number of arguments")
print("need at least x,y,fld")
elif arglen > 3:
mapit = True
m = arguments[3]
if mapit:
# not all projections work, catch few of these here
if ( (m.projection == 'hammer') |
(m.projection == 'robin') |
(m.projection == 'moll') |
(m.projection == 'cea') ):
sys.exit("selected projection '"+m.projection
+"' is not supported")
# these projections use simple code for the Arctic face;
# all others require more complicted methods
stereographicProjection = (m.projection == 'npaeqd') | \
(m.projection == 'spaeqd') | \
(m.projection == 'nplaea') | \
(m.projection == 'splaea') | \
(m.projection == 'npstere') | \
(m.projection == 'spstere') | \
(m.projection == 'stere')
stereographicProjection = False
xg = arguments[0]
yg = arguments[1]
data = arguments[2]
nx = data.shape[-1]
ny = data.shape[-2]
n = ny//nx//4
# color range
cax = [data.min(),data.max()]
# overwrite if necessary
if 'vmin' in kwargs: cax[0] = kwargs.pop('vmin','')
if 'vmax' in kwargs: cax[1] = kwargs.pop('vmax','')
# divide into faces
f0 = []
# fill holes in coordinate arrays
# for t in [0,1,3,4]:
# inan = f0[2][t]==0 # _sqCoord(f0[2][t])==np.nan]
# f0[0][t][inan]=np.nan
# f0[1][t][inan]=np.nan
# for t in [0,1]:
# for i in range(nx):
# for j in range(n*nx):
# if f0[0][t][j,i]==0:f0[0][t][100,i]
# if f0[1][t][j,i]==0:f0[1][t][100,i]
# for t in [3,4]:
# for i in range(n*nx):
# for j in range(nx):
# if f0[0][t][j,i]==0:f0[0][t][j,239]
# if f0[1][t][j,i]==0:f0[1][t][j,239]
# find the missing corners by interpolation
fo = []
fo.append( (f0[0][0][-1,0]+f0[0][2][-1,0]+f0[0][4][-1,0])/3. )
fo.append( (f0[1][2][-1,0]+f0[1][2][-1,0]+f0[1][4][-1,0])/3. )
fo.append( np.nan )
fe = []
fe.append( (f0[0][1][0,-1]+f0[0][3][0,-1])/2. )
fe.append( (f0[1][1][0,-1]+f0[1][3][0,-1])/2. )
fe.append( np.nan )
f = np.array(f0, dtype=object)
# fill some gaps at the face boundaries, but only for the coordinate arrays (k=0,1)
for t in [0,2,4]:
tp = 2*(t//2)
tpp = tp
if tp==4: tpp = tp-6
for k in [0,1]:
tp = min(tp,3)
f[k][t] = np.concatenate((f0[k][t],f0[k][1+tp][:,:1]),axis=1)
if k==2: tmp = np.atleast_2d(np.append(f0[k][2+tpp][::-1,:1],fo[k]))
else: tmp = np.atleast_2d(np.append(fo[k],f0[k][2+tpp][::-1,:1]))
f[k][t] = np.concatenate((f[k][t],tmp),axis=0)
for t in [1,3]:
tp = 2*(t//2)
for k in [0,1]:
f[k][t] = np.concatenate((f0[k][t],f0[k][2+tp][:1,:]),axis=0)
if k==2: tmp = np.atleast_2d(np.append(f0[k][3+tp][:1,::-1],fe[k]))
else: tmp = np.atleast_2d(np.append(fe[k],f0[k][3+tp][:1,::-1]))
f[k][t] = np.concatenate((f[k][t],tmp.transpose()),axis=1)
# we do not really have a sixth face so we overwrite the southernmost row
# of face 4 and 5 by a hack:
for t in [3,4]:
f[0][t][:,-1] = f[0][t][:,-2]
f[1][t][:,-1] = -90. # degree = south pole
# make sure that only longitudes of one sign are on individual lateral faces
i0 = f[0][3]<0.
f[0][3][i0] = f[0][3][i0]+360.
# plot the lateral faces
ph = []
for t in [0,1,3,4]:
if mapit: x, y = m(_sqCoord(f[0][t]), _sqCoord(f[1][t]))
else: x, y = _sqCoord(f[0][t]), _sqCoord(f[1][t])
ph.append(plt.pcolormesh(x,y,_sqData(f[2][t]), **kwargs))
# plot more lateral faces to be able to select the longitude range later
for t in [1,3,4]:
f[0][t] = f[0][t]+ (-1)**t*360.
if mapit: x, y = m(_sqCoord(f[0][t]), _sqCoord(f[1][t]))
else: x, y = _sqCoord(f[0][t]), _sqCoord(f[1][t])
ph.append(plt.pcolormesh(x,y,_sqData(f[2][t]), **kwargs))
# Arctic face is special, because of the rotation of the grid by
# rangle = 7deg (seems to be the default)
t = 2
if mapit & stereographicProjection:
x, y = m(_sqCoord(f[0][t]),_sqCoord(f[1][t]))
ph.append(plt.pcolormesh(x,y,_sqData(f[2][t]), **kwargs))
rangle = 7.
# first half of Arctic tile
nn = nx//2+1
xx = np.copy(f[0][t][:nn,:])
yy = np.copy(f[1][t][:nn,:])
# make sure that the data have one columns/rows fewer that the coordinates
zz = np.copy(f[2][t][:nn-1,:])
xx = np.where(xx<rangle,xx+360,xx)
if mapit: x, y = m(_sqCoord(xx),_sqCoord(yy))
else: x, y = _sqCoord(xx),_sqCoord(yy)
ph.append(plt.pcolormesh(x,y,_sqData(zz), **kwargs))
# repeat for xx-360
xx = xx-360.
if mapit: x, y = m(_sqCoord(xx),_sqCoord(yy))
else: x, y = _sqCoord(xx),_sqCoord(yy)
ph.append(plt.pcolormesh(x,y,_sqData(zz), **kwargs))
# second half of Arctic tile
nn = nx//2
xx = np.copy(f[0][t][nn:,:])
yy = np.copy(f[1][t][nn:,:])
zz = np.copy(f[2][t][nn:,:])
if mapit: x, y = m(_sqCoord(xx),_sqCoord(yy))
else: x, y = _sqCoord(xx),_sqCoord(yy)
ph.append(plt.pcolormesh(x,y,_sqData(zz), **kwargs))
# repeat for xx+360
xx = xx + 360.
if mapit: x, y = m(_sqCoord(xx),_sqCoord(yy))
else: x, y = _sqCoord(xx),_sqCoord(yy)
ph.append(plt.pcolormesh(x,y,_sqData(zz), **kwargs))
if not mapit:
for im in ph:
return ph
def _getDims(u,v):
Retrieve dimensions of input fields and do some sanity checks
lenu = len(np.shape(u))
nt = 1
nk = 1
ntt = 1
nkk = 1
if lenu == 2:
nju, niu = np.shape(u)
njv, niv = np.shape(v)
elif lenu == 3:
nk, nju, niu = np.shape(u)
nkk,njv, niv = np.shape(v)
elif lenu == 4:
nt, nk, nju, niu = np.shape(u)
ntt,nkk,njv, niv = np.shape(v)
raise ValueError('Can only handle 2 to 4 dimensions')
if nju!=njv or niu!=niv or nk!=nkk or nt!=ntt:
raise ValueError('input arrays must have the same dimensions.\n'
+ 'u.shape = (%i,%i,%i,%i)\n'%(nt,nk,nju,niu)
+ 'v.shape = (%i,%i,%i,%i)'%(ntt,nkk,njv,niv)
if nju!=13*niu:
raise ValueError('nju=%i not equal 13*niu, niu=%i\n'%(nju,niu) +
'This is not and NOT an llc grid.')
return nt, nk, nju, niu
[docs]def div(u, v, dxg=None, dyg=None, rac=None, hfw=None, hfs=None):
Compute divergence of vector field (U,V) on llc grid
Call signatures::
divergence = div(U, V, DXG, DYG, RAC, HFW, HFS)
divergence = div(U, V)
divergence = div(U, V, DXG, DYG)
divergence = div(U, V, DXG, DYG, RAC)
divergence = div(U, V, DXG, DYG, hfw=HFW, hfs=HFS)
u : array-like (timelevel,depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint)
x-component of vector field at u-point
v : array-like (timelevel,depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint)
y-component of vector field at v-point
dxg : array-like (jpoint,ipoint), optional
grid spacing in x across v-point, defaults to one
dyg : array-like (jpoint,ipoint), optional
grid spacing in y across u-point, defaults to one
rac : array-like (jpoint,ipoint), optional
grid cell area, defaults to dxg*dyg
hfw : array-like (depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint), optional
hFac at u-point, defaults to one
hfs : array-like (depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint), optional
hFac at v-point, defaults to one
nt, nk, nj, ni = _getDims(u,v)
ushape = u.shape
if dxg is None:
dxg = np.ones((nj,ni))
if dyg is None:
dyg = np.ones((nj,ni))
if rac is None:
rac = dxg*dyg
if hfw is None:
hfw = np.ones((nk,nj,ni))
if hfs is None:
hfs = np.ones((nk,nj,ni))
u = u.reshape(nt,nk,nj,ni)
v = v.reshape(nt,nk,nj,ni)
hfw = hfw.reshape(nk,nj,ni)
hfs = hfs.reshape(nk,nj,ni)
recip_racf = faces(1./np.where(rac==0.,np.inf,rac))
divergence = np.zeros(u.shape)
for t in range(nt):
for k in range(nk):
uflx = faces(u[t,k,:,:]*hfw[k,:,:]*dyg)
vflx = faces(v[t,k,:,:]*hfs[k,:,:]*dxg)
divf = faces(np.zeros((nj,ni)))
for iface in range(len(uflx)-1):
du = np.roll(uflx[iface],-1,axis=-1)-uflx[iface]
dv = np.roll(vflx[iface],-1,axis=-2)-vflx[iface]
# now take care of the connectivity
if iface==0:
du[:,-1] = uflx[1][:, 0] - uflx[iface][:,-1]
dv[-1,:] = uflx[2][::-1,0] - vflx[iface][-1,:]
if iface==1:
du[:,-1] = vflx[3][0,::-1] - uflx[iface][:,-1]
dv[-1,:] = vflx[2][0,:] - vflx[iface][-1,:]
if iface==2:
du[:,-1] = uflx[3][:, 0] - uflx[iface][:,-1]
dv[-1,:] = uflx[4][::-1,0] - vflx[iface][-1,:]
if iface==3:
du[:,-1] = 0. # hack
dv[-1,:] = vflx[4][0,:] - vflx[iface][-1,:]
if iface==4:
du[:,-1] = 0. # hack
dv[-1,:] = uflx[0][::-1,0] - vflx[iface][-1,:]
# putting it all together
divf[iface] = (du + dv)*recip_racf[iface]
divergence[t,k,:,:] = faces2mds(divf)
return divergence.reshape(ushape)
[docs]def uv2c(u,v):
Average vector component (u,v) to center points on llc grid
Call signatures::
uc,vc = uv2c(U,V)
U : array-like (timelevel,depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint)
x-component of vector field at u-point
V : array-like (timelevel,depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint)
y-component of vector field at v-point
nt, nk, nj, ni = _getDims(u,v)
ushape = u.shape
u = u.reshape(nt,nk,nj,ni)
v = v.reshape(nt,nk,nj,ni)
uc = np.zeros(u.shape)
vc = np.zeros(v.shape)
for t in range(nt):
for k in range(nk):
uf = faces(u[t,k,:,:])
vf = faces(v[t,k,:,:])
ucf = faces(np.zeros((nj,ni)))
vcf = faces(np.zeros((nj,ni)))
for iface in range(len(uf)-1):
uk = np.roll(uf[iface],-1,axis=-1)+uf[iface]
vk = np.roll(vf[iface],-1,axis=-2)+vf[iface]
# now take care of the connectivity
if iface==0:
uk[:,-1] = uf[1][:, 0] + uf[iface][:,-1]
vk[-1,:] = uf[2][::-1,0] + vf[iface][-1,:]
if iface==1:
uk[:,-1] = vf[3][0,::-1] + uf[iface][:,-1]
vk[-1,:] = vf[2][0,:] + vf[iface][-1,:]
if iface==2:
uk[:,-1] = uf[3][:, 0] + uf[iface][:,-1]
vk[-1,:] = uf[4][::-1,0] + vf[iface][-1,:]
if iface==3:
uk[:,-1] = 0. # hack
vk[-1,:] = vf[4][0,:] + vf[iface][-1,:]
if iface==4:
uk[:,-1] = 0. # hack
vk[-1,:] = uf[0][::-1,0] + vf[iface][-1,:]
ucf[iface] = 0.5*uk
vcf[iface] = 0.5*vk
uc[t,k,:,:] = faces2mds(ucf)
vc[t,k,:,:] = faces2mds(vcf)
return uc.reshape(ushape), vc.reshape(ushape)
[docs]def grad(X, dxc=None, dyc=None, hfw=None, hfs=None):
Compute horizontal gradient of scalar field X on llc grid
Call signatures::
dXdx, dXdy = div(X, DXC, DYC, HFW, HFS)
dXdx, dXdy = div(X)
dXdx, dXdy = div(X, DXC, DYC)
dXdx, dXdy = div(X, hfw=HFW, hfs=HFS)
X : array-like (timelevel,depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint)
scalar field at c-point
dxc : array-like (jpoint,ipoint), optional
grid spacing in x across u-point, defaults to one
dyc : array-like (jpoint,ipoint), optional
grid spacing in y across v-point, defaults to one
hfw : array-like (depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint), optional
hFac at u-point, defaults to one
hfs : array-like (depthlevel,jpoint,ipoint), optional
hFac at v-point, defaults to one
nt, nk, nj, ni = _getDims(X,X)
if dxc is None:
dxc = np.ones((nj,ni))
if dyc is None:
dyc = np.ones((nj,ni))
if hfw is None:
hfw = np.ones((nk,nj,ni))
if hfs is None:
hfs = np.ones((nk,nj,ni))
xshape = X.shape
X = X.reshape(nt,nk,nj,ni)
dXdx = np.zeros(X.shape)
dXdy = np.zeros(X.shape)
rdxc = faces(1./np.where(dxc==0.,np.inf,dxc))
rdyc = faces(1./np.where(dyc==0.,np.inf,dyc))
for t in range(nt):
for k in range(nk):
xf = faces(X[t,k,:,:])
duf = faces(np.zeros((nj,ni)))
dvf = faces(np.zeros((nj,ni)))
for iface in range(len(xf)-1):
du = (xf[iface] - np.roll(xf[iface],1,axis=-1))*rdxc[iface]
dv = (xf[iface] - np.roll(xf[iface],1,axis=-2))*rdyc[iface]
# now take care of the connectivity
if iface==0:
du[:,0] = (xf[0][:,0] - xf[4][-1,::-1])*rdxc[0][:,0]
dv[0,:] = 0. # hack
if iface==1:
du[:,0] = (xf[1][:,0] - xf[0][:, -1])*rdxc[1][:,0]
dv[0,:] = 0. # hack
if iface==2:
du[:,0] = (xf[2][:,0] - xf[0][-1,::-1])*rdxc[2][:,0]
dv[0,:] = (xf[2][0,:] - xf[1][-1, :])*rdxc[2][0,:]
if iface==3:
du[:,0] = (xf[3][:,0] - xf[2][: ,-1])*rdxc[3][:,0]
dv[0,:] = (xf[3][0,:] - xf[1][::-1,-1])*rdyc[3][0,:]
if iface==4:
du[:,0] = (xf[4][:,0] - xf[2][-1,::-1])*rdxc[4][:,0]
dv[0,:] = (xf[4][0,:] - xf[3][-1, :])*rdyc[4][0,:]
dXdx[t,k,:,:] = faces2mds(duf)*mskw[k,:,:]
dXdy[t,k,:,:] = faces2mds(dvf)*msks[k,:,:]
return dXdx.reshape(xshape), dXdy.reshape(xshape)