Source code for MITgcmutils.density

# created by mlosch on 2002-08-09
# converted to python by EGavilan Pascual-Ahuir on 2023-04-07

import numpy as np
import warnings

__doc__ = """
Density of Sea Water using linear EOS and POLY3 method.
Density of Sea Water using the Jackett and McDougall 1995 (JAOT 12) polynomial
Density of Sea Water using the UNESCO equation of state formula (IES80)
of Fofonoff and Millard (1983) [FRM83].
Density of Sea Water using the EOS-10 48-term polynomial.

# coefficients nonlinear equation of state in pressure coordinates for
# 1. density of fresh water at p = 0 jmd95 and unesco
eosJMDCFw = [   999.842594,
              - 9.095290e-03,
              - 1.120083e-06,
# 2. density of sea water at p = 0
eosJMDCSw = [   8.244930e-01,
              - 4.089900e-03,
              - 8.246700e-07,
              - 5.724660e-03,
              - 1.654600e-06,

def _check_salinity(s):

    sneg = s<0
    if np.any(sneg):
        warnings.warn('found negative salinity values')
        # warnings.warn('found negative salinity values, reset them to nan')
        # s[sneg] = np.nan

    return s

def _check_dimensions(s,t,p=np.zeros(())):
    Check compatibility of dimensions of input variables and

    salt : array_like
        salinity [psu (PSS-78)]
    theta : array_like
        potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)]
        same shape as salt
    p  : pressure [dBar]

    if s.shape != t.shape or s.shape != p.shape:
        print('trying to broadcast shapes')


[docs]def linear(salt,theta, sref=30,tref=20,sbeta=7.4e-04,talpha=2.0e-04,rhonil=9.998e+02): """ Computes in-situ density of water Density of water using the linear EOS of McDougall (1987). Parameters ---------- salt : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] theta : array_like potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)] same shape as salt sref : reference salinity default 30 [psu (PSS-78)] tref : reference potential temperature default 20 [degree C (IPTS-68)] sbeta : haline expansion coefficient default 7.4e-04 [1/C] talpha : therma expansion coefficient default 2.0e-04 [(g/Kg)-1] rhonil : density of water default 999.8 [(g/Kg)-1]; Returns ------- dens : array density [kg/m^3] Example ------- >>> dens.linear(35.5, 3.) 1007.268506 Notes ----- - Source code written by Martin Losch 2002-08-09 - Converted to python by Gavilan on 2024-07-18 """ # make sure arguments are floating point s = np.asarray(salt, dtype=np.float64) t = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float64) _check_dimensions(s,t) s = _check_salinity(s) rho = rhonil*(sbeta *(s-sref)-talpha*(t-tref))+rhonil return rho
[docs]def poly3(poly3,salt,theta): """ Calculates in-situ density as approximated by the POLY3 method based on the Knudsen formula (see Bryan and Cox 1972). Parameters ---------- poly3 : coefficients read from file 'POLY3.COEFFS' using INI_POLY3 salt : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] theta : array_like potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)]; same shape as salt Returns ------- dens : array density [kg/m^3] Example ------- >>> p=ini_poly3() >>> T=rdmds('T',100) >>> S=rdmds('S',100) >>> D=poly3(p,salt,theta) >>> or to work within a single model level >>> D=poly3(P[3,:],S[3,:,:],T[3,:,:]) Notes ----- - Source code written by Martin Losch 2002-08-09 - Converted to python by Gavilan on 2024-07-18 """ # make sure arguments are floating point s = np.asarray(salt, dtype=np.float64) t = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float64) coeffs=poly3[:,3:] _check_dimensions(s,t) s = _check_salinity(s) Nr=poly3.shape[0] t=np.reshape(t,[Nr,]) s=np.reshape(s,[Nr,]) rho=np.zeros([Nr,]) for k in range(0,Nr): tRef=poly3[k,0] sRef=poly3[k,1] dRef=poly3[k,2]+1000 tp=t[k,:]-tRef; sp=s[k,:]-sRef; tp2=tp*tp sp2=sp*sp deltaSig = ( coeffs[k,0]*tp + coeffs[k,1]*sp + coeffs[k,2]*tp2 + coeffs[k,3]*tp*sp + coeffs[k,4]*sp2 + coeffs[k,5]*tp2*tp + coeffs[k,6]*tp2*sp + coeffs[k,7]*tp*sp2 + coeffs[k,8]*sp2*sp ) rho[k,:]=deltaSig+dRef return np.reshape(rho,s.shape)
[docs]def ini_poly3(fpath='POLY3.COEFFS'): """Reads the file fpath (default 'POLY3.COEFFS') and returns coefficients in poly """ with open(fpath,'r') as fid: poly_data=fid.readlines() Nr=int(poly_data.pop(0)) # Number of vertical levels poly=np.zeros([Nr,12]) poly_split = [i.split() for i in poly_data[:Nr]] poly[:,:3] = np.asarray(poly_split) poly_split = [i.split() for i in poly_data[Nr:]] poly[:,3:] = np.asarray(poly_split).reshape((Nr,9)) return poly
[docs]def jmd95(salt,theta,p): """ Computes in-situ density of sea water Density of Sea Water using Jackett and McDougall 1995 (JAOT 12) polynomial (modified UNESCO polynomial). Parameters ---------- salt : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] theta : array_like potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)]; same shape as s p : array_like sea pressure [dbar]. p may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for s(mxn) Returns ------- dens : array density [kg/m^3] Example ------- >>> dens.jmd95(35.5, 3., 3000.) 1041.83267 Notes ----- - Jackett and McDougall, 1995, JAOT 12(4), pp. 381-388 - Source code written by Martin Losch 2002-08-09 - Converted to python by jahn on 2010-04-29 """ # make sure arguments are floating point s = np.asarray(salt, dtype=np.float64) t = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float64) p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float64) _check_dimensions(s,t,p) s = _check_salinity(s) # convert pressure to bar p = .1*p t2 = t*t t3 = t2*t t4 = t3*t s3o2 = s*np.sqrt(s) # density of freshwater at the surface rho = ( eosJMDCFw[0] + eosJMDCFw[1]*t + eosJMDCFw[2]*t2 + eosJMDCFw[3]*t3 + eosJMDCFw[4]*t4 + eosJMDCFw[5]*t4*t ) # density of sea water at the surface rho = ( rho + s*( eosJMDCSw[0] + eosJMDCSw[1]*t + eosJMDCSw[2]*t2 + eosJMDCSw[3]*t3 + eosJMDCSw[4]*t4 ) + s3o2*( eosJMDCSw[5] + eosJMDCSw[6]*t + eosJMDCSw[7]*t2 ) + eosJMDCSw[8]*s*s ) rho = rho / (1. - p/bulkmodjmd95(s,t,p)) return rho
[docs]def bulkmodjmd95(salt,theta,p): """ Compute bulk modulus """ # make sure arguments are floating point s = np.asarray(salt, dtype=np.float64) t = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float64) p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float64) # coefficients in pressure coordinates for # 3. secant bulk modulus K of fresh water at p = 0 eosJMDCKFw = [ 1.965933e+04, 1.444304e+02, - 1.706103e+00, 9.648704e-03, - 4.190253e-05 ] # 4. secant bulk modulus K of sea water at p = 0 eosJMDCKSw = [ 5.284855e+01, - 3.101089e-01, 6.283263e-03, - 5.084188e-05, 3.886640e-01, 9.085835e-03, - 4.619924e-04 ] # 5. secant bulk modulus K of sea water at p eosJMDCKP = [ 3.186519e+00, 2.212276e-02, - 2.984642e-04, 1.956415e-06, 6.704388e-03, - 1.847318e-04, 2.059331e-07, 1.480266e-04, 2.102898e-04, - 1.202016e-05, 1.394680e-07, - 2.040237e-06, 6.128773e-08, 6.207323e-10 ] _check_dimensions(s,t,p) t2 = t*t t3 = t2*t t4 = t3*t s3o2 = s*np.sqrt(s) #p = pressure(i,j,k,bi,bj)*SItoBar p2 = p*p # secant bulk modulus of fresh water at the surface bulkmod = ( eosJMDCKFw[0] + eosJMDCKFw[1]*t + eosJMDCKFw[2]*t2 + eosJMDCKFw[3]*t3 + eosJMDCKFw[4]*t4 ) # secant bulk modulus of sea water at the surface bulkmod = ( bulkmod + s*( eosJMDCKSw[0] + eosJMDCKSw[1]*t + eosJMDCKSw[2]*t2 + eosJMDCKSw[3]*t3 ) + s3o2*( eosJMDCKSw[4] + eosJMDCKSw[5]*t + eosJMDCKSw[6]*t2 ) ) # secant bulk modulus of sea water at pressure p bulkmod = ( bulkmod + p*( eosJMDCKP[0] + eosJMDCKP[1]*t + eosJMDCKP[2]*t2 + eosJMDCKP[3]*t3 ) + p*s*( eosJMDCKP[4] + eosJMDCKP[5]*t + eosJMDCKP[6]*t2 ) + p*s3o2*eosJMDCKP[7] + p2*( eosJMDCKP[8] + eosJMDCKP[9]*t + eosJMDCKP[10]*t2 ) + p2*s*( eosJMDCKP[11] + eosJMDCKP[12]*t + eosJMDCKP[13]*t2 ) ) return bulkmod
[docs]def unesco(salt,theta,p): """ Computes in-situ density of sea water Density of Sea Water using Fofonoff and Millard (1983) polynomial. Parameters ---------- salt : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] theta : array_like potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)]; same shape as s p : array_like sea pressure [dbar]. p may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for s(mxn) Returns ------- dens : array density [kg/m^3] Example ------- >>> dens.unesco(35.5, 3., 3000.) 1041.87663 Notes ----- - Source code written by Martin Losch 2002-08-09 - Converted to python by Gavilan on 2024-07-18 """ # make sure arguments are floating point s = np.asarray(salt, dtype=np.float64) t = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float64) p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float64) _check_dimensions(s,t,p) s = _check_salinity(s) # convert pressure to bar p = .1*p t2 = t*t t3 = t2*t t4 = t3*t s3o2 = s*np.sqrt(s) # density of freshwater at the surface rho = ( eosJMDCFw[0] + eosJMDCFw[1]*t + eosJMDCFw[2]*t2 + eosJMDCFw[3]*t3 + eosJMDCFw[4]*t4 + eosJMDCFw[5]*t4*t ) # density of sea water at the surface rho = ( rho + s*( eosJMDCSw[0] + eosJMDCSw[1]*t + eosJMDCSw[2]*t2 + eosJMDCSw[3]*t3 + eosJMDCSw[4]*t4 ) + s3o2*( eosJMDCSw[5] + eosJMDCSw[6]*t + eosJMDCSw[7]*t2 ) + eosJMDCSw[8]*s*s ) rho = rho / (1. - p/bulkmodunesco(s,t,p)) return rho
[docs]def bulkmodunesco(salt,theta,p): """ Compute bulk modulus """ # make sure arguments are floating point s = np.asarray(salt, dtype=np.float64) t = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float64) p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float64) # 3. secant bulk modulus K of fresh water at p = 0 eosJMDCKFw = [ 1.965221e+04, 1.484206e+02, - 2.327105e+00, 1.360477e-02, - 5.155288e-05 ] # 4. secant bulk modulus K of sea water at p = 0 eosJMDCKSw = [ 5.467460e+01, - 0.603459e+00, 1.099870e-02, - 6.167000e-05, 7.944000e-02, 1.648300e-02, - 5.300900e-04 ] # 5. secant bulk modulus K of sea water at p eosJMDCKP = [ 3.239908e+00, 1.437130e-03, 1.160920e-04, - 5.779050e-07, 2.283800e-03, - 1.098100e-05, - 1.607800e-06, 1.910750e-04, 8.509350e-05, - 6.122930e-06, 5.278700e-08, - 9.934800e-07, 2.081600e-08, 9.169700e-10 ] _check_dimensions(s,t,p) t2 = t*t t3 = t2*t t4 = t3*t sneg = np.where(s < 0 ) s3o2 = s*np.sqrt(s) #p = pressure(i,j,k,bi,bj)*SItoBar p2 = p*p # secant bulk modulus of fresh water at the surface bulkmod = ( eosJMDCKFw[0] + eosJMDCKFw[1]*t + eosJMDCKFw[2]*t2 + eosJMDCKFw[3]*t3 + eosJMDCKFw[4]*t4 ) # secant bulk modulus of sea water at the surface bulkmod = ( bulkmod + s*( eosJMDCKSw[0] + eosJMDCKSw[1]*t + eosJMDCKSw[2]*t2 + eosJMDCKSw[3]*t3 ) + s3o2*( eosJMDCKSw[4] + eosJMDCKSw[5]*t + eosJMDCKSw[6]*t2 ) ) # secant bulk modulus of sea water at pressure p bulkmod = ( bulkmod + p*( eosJMDCKP[0] + eosJMDCKP[1]*t + eosJMDCKP[2]*t2 + eosJMDCKP[3]*t3 ) + p*s*( eosJMDCKP[4] + eosJMDCKP[5]*t + eosJMDCKP[6]*t2 ) + p*s3o2*eosJMDCKP[7] + p2*( eosJMDCKP[8] + eosJMDCKP[9]*t + eosJMDCKP[10]*t2 ) + p2*s*( eosJMDCKP[11] + eosJMDCKP[12]*t + eosJMDCKP[13]*t2 ) ) return bulkmod
[docs]def mdjwf(salt,theta,p,epsln=0): """ Computes in-situ density of sea water Density of Sea Water using the McDougall et al. 2003 (JAOT 20) polynomial. Parameters ---------- salt : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] theta : array_like potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)]; same shape as salt p : array_like sea pressure [dbar]. p may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for salt(mxn) Returns ------- dens : array density [kg/m^3] Example ------- >>> dens.mdjwf(35.5, 3., 3000.) 1041.83305 Notes ----- - McDougall et al., 2003, JAOT 20(5), pp. 730-741 - Converted to python by Gavilan on 2024-07-18 """ # make sure arguments are floating point s = np.asarray(salt, dtype=np.float64) t = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float64) p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float64) _check_dimensions(s,t,p) s = _check_salinity(s) eosMDJWFnum = [ 7.35212840e+00, - 5.45928211e-02, 3.98476704e-04, 2.96938239e+00, - 7.23268813e-03, 2.12382341e-03, 1.04004591e-02, 1.03970529e-07, 5.18761880e-06, - 3.24041825e-08, - 1.23869360e-11, 9.99843699e+02 ] eosMDJWFden = [ 7.28606739e-03, - 4.60835542e-05, 3.68390573e-07, 1.80809186e-10, 2.14691708e-03, - 9.27062484e-06, - 1.78343643e-10, 4.76534122e-06, 1.63410736e-09, 5.30848875e-06, - 3.03175128e-16, - 1.27934137e-17, 1.00000000e+00 ] t1 = t t2 = t1*t1 s1 = s p1 = p sp5 = np.sqrt(s1) p1t1=p1*t1 num = ( eosMDJWFnum[11] + t1*(eosMDJWFnum[0] + t1*(eosMDJWFnum[1] + eosMDJWFnum[2]*t1) ) + s1*(eosMDJWFnum[3] + eosMDJWFnum[4]*t1 + eosMDJWFnum[5]*s1) + p1*(eosMDJWFnum[6] + eosMDJWFnum[7]*t2 + eosMDJWFnum[8]*s1 + p1*(eosMDJWFnum[9] + eosMDJWFnum[10]*t2) ) ) den = ( eosMDJWFden[12] + t1*(eosMDJWFden[0] + t1*(eosMDJWFden[1] + t1*(eosMDJWFden[2] + t1*eosMDJWFden[3] ) ) ) + s1*(eosMDJWFden[4] + t1*(eosMDJWFden[5] + eosMDJWFden[6]*t2) + sp5*(eosMDJWFden[7] + eosMDJWFden[8]*t2) ) + p1*(eosMDJWFden[9] + p1t1*(eosMDJWFden[10]*t2 + eosMDJWFden[11]*p1) ) ) denom = 1.0/(epsln+den) rho = num*denom return rho
[docs]def teos10(salt,theta,p,epsln=0): """ Computes in-situ density of sea water Density of Sea Water using TEOS-10. Parameters ---------- salt : array_like absolute salinity [g/kg] theta : array_like conservative temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)]; same shape as s p : array_like sea pressure [dbar]. p may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for s(mxn) Returns ------- dens : array density [kg/m^3] Example ------- >>> dens.teos10(35.5, 3., 3000.) 1041.70578 Notes ----- - Converted to python by Gavilan on 2024-07-18 """ # make sure arguments are floating point sa = np.asarray(salt, dtype=np.float64) ct = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float64) p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float64) _check_dimensions(sa,ct,p) sa = _check_salinity(sa) teos = [ 9.998420897506056e+02, 2.839940833161907e00, - 3.147759265588511e-02, 1.181805545074306e-03, - 6.698001071123802e00, - 2.986498947203215e-02, 2.327859407479162e-04, - 3.988822378968490e-02, 5.095422573880500e-04, - 1.426984671633621e-05, 1.645039373682922e-07, - 2.233269627352527e-02, - 3.436090079851880e-04, 3.726050720345733e-06, - 1.806789763745328e-04, 6.876837219536232e-07, - 3.087032500374211e-07, - 1.988366587925593e-08, - 1.061519070296458e-11, 1.550932729220080e-10, 1.000000000000000e00, 2.775927747785646e-03, - 2.349607444135925e-05, 1.119513357486743e-06, 6.743689325042773e-10, - 7.521448093615448e-03, - 2.764306979894411e-05, 1.262937315098546e-07, 9.527875081696435e-10, - 1.811147201949891e-11, - 3.303308871386421e-05, 3.801564588876298e-07, - 7.672876869259043e-09, - 4.634182341116144e-11, 2.681097235569143e-12, 5.419326551148740e-06, - 2.742185394906099e-05, - 3.212746477974189e-07, 3.191413910561627e-09, - 1.931012931541776e-12, - 1.105097577149576e-07, 6.211426728363857e-10, - 1.119011592875110e-10, - 1.941660213148725e-11, - 1.864826425365600e-14, 1.119522344879478e-14, - 1.200507748551599e-15, 6.057902487546866e-17, ] sqrtsa = np.sqrt(sa) rhoNum = (teos[0] + ct*(teos[1] + ct*(teos[2] + teos[3]*ct)) + sa*(teos[4] + ct*(teos[5] + teos[6]*ct) + sqrtsa*(teos[7] + ct*(teos[8] + ct*(teos[9] + teos[10]*ct)))) + p*(teos[11] + ct*(teos[12] + teos[13]*ct) + sa*(teos[14] + teos[15]*ct) + p*(teos[16] + ct*(teos[17] + teos[18]*ct) + teos[19]*sa))) den = (teos[20] + ct*(teos[21] + ct*(teos[22] + ct*(teos[23] + teos[24]*ct))) + sa*(teos[25] + ct*(teos[26] + ct*(teos[27] + ct*(teos[28] + teos[29]*ct))) + teos[35]*sa + sqrtsa*(teos[30] + ct*(teos[31] + ct*(teos[32] + ct*(teos[33] + teos[34]*ct))))) + p*(teos[36] + ct*(teos[37] + ct*(teos[38] + teos[39]*ct)) + sa*(teos[40] + teos[41]*ct) + p*(teos[42] + ct*(teos[43] + teos[44]*ct + teos[45]*sa) + p*(teos[46] + teos[47]*ct)))) rhoden = 1.0/(epsln+den) rho = rhoNum*rhoden return rho