Source code for MITgcmutils.cs.pcol

import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

[docs]def pcol( x, y, data, projection=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots 2D scalar fields on the MITgcm cubed sphere grid with pcolormesh. Parameters ---------- x : array_like 'xg', that is, x coordinate of the points one half grid cell to the left and bottom, that is vorticity points for tracers, etc. y : array_like 'yg', that is, y coordinate of same points data : array_like scalar field at tracer points projection : Basemap instance, optional used to transform if present. Unfortunatly, cylindrical and conic maps are limited to the [-180 180] range. projection = 'sphere' results in a 3D visualization on the sphere without any specific projection. Good for debugging. Example ------- >>> from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap >>> import MITgcmutils as mit >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sq import sq >>> >>> x=mit.rdmds('XG'); y=mit.rdmds('YG'); e=mit.rdmds('Eta',np.Inf) >>> fig = plt.figure(); >>> mp = Basemap(projection='moll',lon_0 = 0., >>> resolution = 'l', area_thresh = 1000.) >>> plt.clf() >>> h = mit.cs.pcol(x,y,sq(e), projection = mp) >>> mp.fillcontinents(color = 'grey') >>> mp.drawmapboundary() >>> mp.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30)) >>> mp.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30)) >>> """ # pcol first divides the 2D cs-field(6*n,n) into six faces. Then for # each face, an extra row and colum is added from the neighboring faces in # order to fool pcolor into drawing the entire field and not just # (n-1,m-1) data points. There are two corner points that have no explicit # coordinates so that they have to be found by # interpolation/averaging. Then each face is divided into 4 tiles, # assuming cs-geometry, and each tile is plotted individually in # order to avoid problems due to ambigous longitude values (the jump # between -180 and 180, or 360 and 0 degrees). As long as the poles # are at the centers of the north and south faces and the first tile is # symmetric about its center this should work. # get the figure handle fig=plt.gcf() mapit = 0 if projection!=None: mp = projection if mp=='sphere': mapit=-1 else: mapit = 1 # convert to [-180 180[ representation x = np.where(x>180,x-360.,x) ny,nx = data.shape # determine range for color range cax = [data.min(),data.max()] if cax[1]-cax[0]==0: cax = [cax[0]-1,cax[1]+1] if vmin!=None: cax[0]=vmin if vmax!=None: cax[1]=vmax if mapit == -1: # set up 3D plot if len(fig.axes)>0: # if present, remove and replace the last axis of fig geom=fig.axes[-1].get_geometry() plt.delaxes(fig.axes[-1]) else: # otherwise use full figure geom = ((1,1,1)) ax = fig.add_subplot(geom[0],geom[1],geom[2],projection = '3d', facecolor='None') # define color range tmp = data - data.min() N = tmp/tmp.max() # use this colormap colmap = copy.copy(cm.jet) colmap.set_bad('w',1.0) mycolmap = colmap(N) #cm.jet(N) ph=np.array([]) jc=x.shape[0]//2 xxf=np.empty((jc+1,jc+1,4)) yyf=xxf ffld=np.empty((jc,jc,4)) xff=[] yff=[] fldf=[] for k in range(0,6): ix = np.arange(0,ny) + k*ny xff.append(x[0:ny,ix]) yff.append(y[0:ny,ix]) fldf.append(data[0:ny,ix]) # find the missing corners by interpolation (one in the North Atlantic) xfodd = (xff[0][-1,0]+xff[2][-1,0]+xff[4][-1,0])/3. yfodd = (yff[0][-1,0]+yff[2][-1,0]+yff[4][-1,0])/3. # and one south of Australia xfeven= (xff[1][0,-1]+xff[3][0,-1]+xff[5][0,-1])/3. yfeven= (yff[1][0,-1]+yff[3][0,-1]+yff[5][0,-1])/3. # loop over tiles for k in range(0,6): kodd = 2*(k//2) kodd2 = kodd if kodd==4: kodd2=kodd-6 keven = 2*(k//2) keven2 = keven if keven==4: keven2=keven-6 fld = fldf[k] if np.mod(k+1,2): xf = np.vstack( [ np.column_stack( [xff[k],xff[1+kodd][:,0]] ), np.flipud(np.append(xff[2+kodd2][:,0],xfodd))] ) yf = np.vstack( [ np.column_stack( [yff[k],yff[1+kodd][:,0]] ), np.flipud(np.append(yff[2+kodd2][:,0],yfodd))] ) else: xf = np.column_stack( [np.vstack( [xff[k],xff[2+keven2][0,:]] ), np.flipud(np.append(xff[3+keven2][0,:], xfeven))] ) yf = np.column_stack( [np.vstack( [yff[k],yff[2+keven2][0,:]] ), np.flipud(np.append(yff[3+keven2][0,:], yfeven))] ) if mapit==-1: ix = np.arange(0,ny) + k*ny # no projection at all (projection argument is 'sphere'), # just convert to cartesian coordinates and plot a 3D sphere deg2rad=np.pi/180. xcart,ycart,zcart = sph2cart( xf*deg2rad, yf*deg2rad ) ax.plot_surface(xcart,ycart,zcart,rstride=1,cstride=1, facecolors=mycolmap[0:ny,ix], linewidth=2,shade=False) ph = np.append(ph, ax) else: # divide all faces into 4 because potential problems arise at # the centers for kf in range(0,4): if kf==0: i0,i1,j0,j1 = 0, jc+1, 0, jc+1 elif kf==1: i0,i1,j0,j1 = 0, jc+1,jc,2*jc+1 elif kf==2: i0,i1,j0,j1 = jc,2*jc+1, 0, jc+1 elif kf==3: i0,i1,j0,j1 = jc,2*jc+1,jc,2*jc+1 xx = xf[i0:i1,j0:j1] yy = yf[i0:i1,j0:j1] ff = fld[i0:i1-1,j0:j1-1] if np.median(xx) < 0: xx = np.where(xx>=180,xx-360.,xx) else: xx = np.where(xx<=-180,xx+360.,xx) # if provided use projection if mapit==1: xx,yy = mp(xx,yy) # now finally plot 4x6 tiles ph = np.append(ph, plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, ff, vmin=cax[0], vmax=cax[1], **kwargs)) if mapit == -1: # ax.axis('image') ax.set_axis_off() # ax.set_visible=False # add a reasonable colormap m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=colmap) m.set_array(data) plt.colorbar(m, ax=ax) elif mapit == 0: ax = fig.axes[-1] ax.axis('image') plt.grid(True) return ph
def sph2cart(azim_sph_coord, elev_sph_coord): r = np.cos(elev_sph_coord) x = -r * np.sin(azim_sph_coord) y = r * np.cos(azim_sph_coord) z = np.sin(elev_sph_coord) return x, y, z